Thursday, October 29, 2009


Today we're having another beautiful fall day... but just in time for November it's supposed to get cold (below 15C) next week. On the down side, it's a bit rainy, but that rain was much needed because during the last couple of weeks without any drop of water it had become so dry, that it was incredibly dusty. The air quality here is really getting to me. If you look at this you'll know what I mean


But to be fair I have to say this was mostly fog, I took the pictures this morning after the rain when it was warm and wet. On some days I can smell the coal dust though. And if I leave my windows open the whole day, the floor collects enough dust to grow dust bunnies within a day or two. Oh well, I never smoked, so I'll make up for it with Chinese city air.

I know some of you must be sick of my kitchen stories, but for those who aren't here is the before-and-after photo line.


Tonight I'll put it through the first real test (I only made simple things for myself so far, still need to stock up on supplies). I promised my language partner some European food. Now, I found pasta and olive oil, but no cream or cheese that deserves that name. So, it's just gonna be mushrooms and bacon with lots of olive oil I guess. Making Italian desserts without cream is also somewhat a challenge... mh, I could make Zabaione, I suppose, but what liquor do I add? I don't think sake is such a good match...

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